All information on this page was taken from: ===== X68000 first ===== {{:x68000:cz-600c_hq.jpg?500|}} | X68000 Specifications ||| | | X68000 (Gray) | X6800 (Black) | | Model number | CZ-600C (E) | CZ-600C (B) | | CPU |68000 (10MHz)\\ 80C51 (for keyboard scan / TV control) || | ROM |IPL, BIOS 128K bytes 768K-byte character generator ROM 16 × 16 dots, 24 × 24 dot-byte\\ (Kanji Level 2 first / JIS)\\ 8 × 16 dots, 8 × 8 12 × 24 dot en dot, dot square 12 × 12 1 / 4 || | RAM |1M byte main memory (12M bytes)\\ VRAM 512K bytes of text (bitmapped).\\ VRAM 512K bytes for graphics (bitmapped).\\ VRAM 32K byte static RAM 16K bytes of sprite || | Display capability |Plain text graphic DOT 4 1024 × 1024 1024 × 1024 512 × 512 dot 16 dot four planes planes || | Sound function |Sound FM: Speech Output Stereo 8 simultaneous double octave chords 8: AD PCM (Adaptive Differential PCM) || | Hard drive | || | Floppy Disk Drive |With 1M byte on a floppy disk drive 2-inch 2HD type 5 (auto load / auto eject) || | Input device |Full compliance keyboard ASCII (included)\\ Trackball (included) || | Interface |Printer (Centronics compliant companies) / Joystick (2)\\ / RS audio line input / output control TV / analog RGB-232C\\ SASI interface pin floppy disk stereo inputs / mouse / external image || | Expansion I/O Slot |Built-in 2 Slot || | OS • Languages |OS/Human68k, BASIC / X-BASIC || | Power Supply |AC100V 50/60Hz\\ 44W (10W or less during standby) || | Dimensions Weight |Body: Weight 7.7 kg Depth 270 mm Width 363 × height 155 ×\\ Keyboard: 196 mm Weight 1.5 kg Depth 463 × width 33 × height\\ Trackball: 0.14 kg Weight 105 mm width 73 × height 32 × depth || | Bundled software |Original OS (Human68k ver1.0)\\ Original BASIC (X-BASIC ver1.0)\\ Dictionary ver1.0 disk, Japanese word processor, dictionary Yuchiriti ||