[[http://labo.main.jp/newage/towns/fmt_model.html|According to this website]] and also my own experience with disassembling and documenting these computers. \\
The very easy way to tell the difference between the 4 types of tower models is to specifically look near the power button area on the front and the LED/buttons in the front. Pay attention to it carefully.
All tower models come with a 386 CPU.
Generation 1\\
MODEL 1, MODEL 2, S1, S1 \\ \\
Parts are not as interchangeable. Requires a SCSI card in order to use hard drives which are external only. Power Supply card different than other 3 generation tower models. CPU has a socket so it can be upgraded.
{{:fm_towns:fmtg1.jpg?400|\\ \\}}
Generation 2\\
"F" Family of parts \\
CPU has a socket so it can be upgraded.
Generation 3 \\
"0F" Family of Parts
Generation 4 \\
CX Family of parts. Has FAST mode for software that supports it.